'To explore the idea.'

creative storefront , exploring ideas , storytelling images , solo art , number energy

'To explore the idea, you must first be at one and be open to fully experience it.'

This image and story were initially intended to share with my cousin Lah Lah, who joined us on our recent trip to Capri and Anacapri, Italy, along with my wife, Dani, my niece, Remi, and our friend, Rachel. I captured this for Lah Lah because she and I talk a lot about how we communicate with the universe and take the time to express moments of gratitude when we know we are led and blessed by the guidance of the universe and our ancestors. Then I reminded myself that I’m also working on sharing more to be a vessel of the energy that blessed me, with the intention of prayerfully being a blessing to you as well. So, this will be a lens into how the universe guides me into divine discoveries along my journey as an artist.

I was led to this message while on an early morning walking meditation through the cobblestone roads of Anacapri, Italy. I chose not to bring my phone on the walk because I didn’t want any distractions during my meditation. I wanted to be at one with the energy of the present moment and let it guide me on my walk. Recently, I have been building a relationship with photography. Exploring my narrative through the camera lens was another goal of mine. So although I didn’t bring my phone, I made sure to bring my camera to document inspiration from my time here in Anacapri this year.

As an artist, my appreciation of energy has led me to become more aware of the energy within numbers. This awareness plays a vital role in creating my art and the energy of its language. This was one of those divinely guided moments for me. On my walk through Anacapri, this abandoned-looking storefront with the word "idea" on the glass attracted me. I just stood in front of it for a while. Then, I walked up to it and touched the gate a little bit to see what condition it was in and to make an ignorant guess about when the last time it had been moved along its tracks. I kept one hand on the gate and then I placed the other hand on the word "idea." I felt led to close my eyes to connect with the energy of the present moment. After a little while, I stepped back to stand in front of the storefront and take it all in again from this new perspective.

That’s when the next impulse hit: pull out your camera, you silly goose, and take a picture of this image that’s inspiring you! Maybe something will come to you later, but at least stay consistent with your goal of documenting inspiration. And when I was checking the picture on the camera, I noticed the numbers on the side of the storefront. I added the numbers up and realized that the digital root of the numbers breaks down to one. Then when I finally shared this with Lah Lah, she pointed out that the word “idea” adds up to 19 and breaks down to one as well! I hadn’t even thought to make that connection. At that moment, that’s when the message came together and was delivered: "To explore the idea, you must first be at one and be open to experience it."

289 = 2+8+9 = 19

1+9 = 10

1+0 = 1

1 = one

idea = 9+4+5+1 = 19

1+9 = 10

1+0 = 1

1 = one

To be continued…

by Solo

Bless It.

Solo The Artist