The Green Door

green door certosa capri art history garden exhibition

This story is the story of 'The Green Door,' that my cousin Lah Lah and I were introduced to during our visit through on our visit in Capri, Italy. We were led to Certosa di San Giacomo through a divine recommendation from our friend Francesco from Pompei. According to Wikipedia, Certosa di San Giacomo was a Carthusian monastery, founded in 1363 by Giacomo Arcucci on the island of Capri, Campania, southern Italy. It is now a museum and is used for cultural events. While Lah Lah and I were walking through Certosa, we came across this green door that stopped me in my tracks. It had so much story to it that we decided to take this moment in as we captured this beautiful energy of inspiration.

I became so curious about it I started pointing out all these beautiful features of the door. I wanted to capture some of the details I was pointing out to Lah Lah to document this moment of inspiration. I love when I see expressions that I subconsciously translate within my art on other things. For me they are subtle clues that continue to remind me of my “why’s”.

How I see the details on this door reflects all the details that come with gaining experience. It makes me recall a saying I heard by Franklin D. Roosevelt: 'Smooth seas never made a skilled sailor.' It also reflects the years of trying to find a way for a door to finally open for you on your journey. But also like one of my elders used to say, “Before you go knocking on certain doors you better be able to handle what’s on the other side.”

This journey that I’ve been on has required a tremendous amount of perseverance and perspective, and I think that is why this door attracted me to it. I can see the beauty of the persevered journey represented in this beautiful green door. I can see the years of effort and weathering years of conditions.

I asked Lah Lah to pose with the door to capture the energy of this moment, and of course she executed, she’s a natural! But she never listens; she’s always like ‘Big Cousinnn stop playinggg! I’m not a model!! Y’all know how it goes! Lol but from my perspective, I wanted capture how her skin tone along with the colors she wore added details that complimented the dynamics of this image. I have absolutely no technical clue of what I am doing I am just moving through instincts.

Then I decided to take one too! I know the other explorers were probably wondering why we were taking pictures with a random green door with all this historical art and architecture throughout this garden, but this was just as much of an art piece as any other I saw during our walk through the garden. If you are blessed to persevere through this journey of life, you might also have evidence of experiences and stories that serve as reminders. They can encourage you to find ways through challenging circumstances, opening doors for you one day, even if this one remains closed. To my credit, I never tried to turn this knob. The energy of the door alone provided me with the inspiration and reflection that knew I was led to experience.

As we near the end of this story of the green door. I wanted to leave the segment below to offer more information that I discovered after looking into the energy attached to the color green and symbolism of a door that may connect to you in your own way on your journey as well.

To be continued…

by Solo

Bless It.

Additional energy:

Green, a blend of blue and yellow, embodies a balance of calm and optimism. It symbolizes stability and tranquility, promoting relaxation and reducing stress. Associated with health and rejuvenation, green represents hope and new beginnings, reflecting life's cycles and potential for transformation. For creatives, green can be a source of creative inspiration and innovation, mirroring nature's role in sparking ideas. In many cultures, it also signifies prosperity and financial growth. Overall, green is a vibrant, refreshing color that encourages growth, healing, and balance.

Doors symbolize the passage between phases in life, marking new beginnings and change. Closed doors represent safety, privacy, and boundaries, evoking curiosity and mystery about what lies beyond. In many cultures, they symbolize spiritual journeys and transitions between realms. Ultimately, doors carry diverse meanings that resonate with personal journeys and experiences.