Always Cherish Those Who See You For You.


Hey, what's up, friends! Have you ever been around people who don't seem to get you? Maybe they judge you for your quirks or idiosyncrasies. Perhaps they want you to be someone you're not, instead of embracing and appreciating who you already are. I wanted to share the story of this discovery through conversations I’ve had with seasoned Super Heroes: individuals who have gained insight and wisdom from a long and meaningful life. This specific revelation aligns with my value of time and its preciousness. As we navigate through life, we consciously and subconsciously curate our community dynamics, which greatly affect our overall well-being. That's why, when I first heard this wisdom from a wise elder, I recognized it as a seed that was meant to guide and remind me on my journey. She said, 'Always cherish those who see you for who you truly are.'

Navigating Dynamic Relationships:

As I grow older, I increasingly realize the importance of having people in our lives who truly understand us. These are the individuals who see past our external traits and love us unconditionally for who we are on the inside. Many of us have experienced the feeling of being judged or criticized for simply being ourselves. However, when we find those who genuinely embrace our quirks and love us just the way we are, it's a beautiful thing worth cherishing. These are the people who make life worth living, lift us up when we're down, and provide unwavering support. They also call us out on our BS! Without people who hold us accountable for our words, actions, and divine greatness, we won't encounter the necessary challenges that allow us to grow and truly experience life's dynamics. Sometimes, amidst the daily hustle and bustle, we inadvertently overlook the significance of these remarkable individuals in our lives, failing to fully recognize our incredible fortune in having them, and neglecting to sincerely convey our heartfelt appreciation for their presence.

Appreciating the True Gems: 

I would love to encourage you to take moments and reflect on the people in your life who genuinely see and appreciate you for who you are - flaws and all. Consider the impact they've had on your life and how they've shaped you into the person you are today. Take the time to write them a heartfelt letter, give them a call, or treat them to a nice meal. Let them know how grateful you are for the positive influence they have in your life and express your love for them. Consistently check in on their well-being and genuinely care about how they are doing. Show them just how much you cherish and appreciate them for being exactly who they are and for seeing you for who you truly are. Remember, reciprocal energy breeds continued energy.

Embracing the Present, Cherishing the Future:

Life is precious, and time is fleeting. We don't know how much time we have on this earth, nor how much time we have with the people we love. Let's make the most of the time we do have and cherish those who make our lives richer, fuller, and more meaningful. If you haven't yet found such connections, please don't lose faith. I truly believe they are out there. In the meantime, don't let the judgments of others and societal timelines define you. Embrace your authentic self and take pride in who you are.


In closing, life is a journey, and we're all in it together. Take a moment to appreciate the people in your life who truly see and accept you for who you are, and let's make it our mission to make their lives as special as they have made ours.

As always, the intention of this discovery is not to provide a definitive solution. It is simply to offer a seed of thought. If you choose to nurture this seed with your own understanding, wisdom, and perspective, it will enrich your journey.

Thank you for your time, energy, and joining me on this divine discovery along the way. Until next time, stay healthy, aware, and abundant.

Bless It.

by Solo