These terms and conditions (the "Terms and Conditions") apply to the sale of all Solo the Artist items


Title and Risk

As soon as the purchase price is paid in full, you will become the legal owner of the Artwork and, upon such payment, you will be responsible for the Artwork and the risk of damage to or loss of the Artwork will pass to you.

Ownership of the Artwork Copyright

Copyright in the Artwork remains the property of the Artist.

You may not produce any image of the Artwork and may not, at any time, publish or submit for publication or reproduction any image of the Artwork to any third party, including any internet website for any purpose.

Data Protection

We may collect, hold, control, use and transmit personally identifiable information obtained from you in the course of your purchase of the Artwork. By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions you agree to such information being used in these ways and for such information to be disclosed to the Artist if you are in breach of your obligations under these terms and conditions. 

We make no representation or warranty of any kind whatsoever, express or implied, in connection with the Artwork. The Serpentine Galleries and its officers, directors, employees, shareholders or agents exclude all liability (whether in contact, tort or otherwise), to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, for any loss or damage that may result to you or a third party in connection with the Artwork.

No person other than you and the Serpentine Galleries have any rights under these Terms and Conditions other than in respect of paragraph 3 above which confers a benefit on the Artist and is intended to be enforceable by the Artist..

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law. Disputes arising in connection with this legal notice shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

Contact: info@solotheartist.com