To know what you don't want. Is to know what you do.


Welcome to this beautiful journey of divine deliveries. As your pilot, Solo the artist, I am here to guide you on a path of self-discovery and empowerment. In today's blog post, I want to share a realization that has brought me clarity and helped me navigate my journey: knowing what you don't want is equally as important as knowing what you do want.

Finding Clarity and Divine Paths:

When we become aware of what we don't want in our lives, a powerful sense of clarity emerges. It allows us to understand our boundaries, what we are willing to sacrifice, and what we are unwilling to accept. This newfound clarity frees us to pursue the things that truly align with our desires and values.

Personal Journey:

For me, this discovery was a game-changer. I realized the significance of paying attention to the conversations or situations that don't feel right, that do not resonate with my spirit. By identifying what I don't want in relationships, friendships, and career choices, I gained the ability to say "no" to experiences that don't serve me. This self-awareness has empowered me to focus on what truly matters.

Taking Inventory of Your Life:

If you find yourself struggling to figure out what you want, start by taking inventory of what you don't want. Engage in an honest internal dialogue with yourself. Evaluate your mental and physical health, career, relationships, and hobbies. Identify what is dragging you down or holding you back. Through this process, you can gain clarity on your desires, aspirations, and the energy you want to cultivate within yourself.

The Power of Clarity:

Once you have a sense of what you don't want, the next steps on your path become clearer and more purposeful. With a heightened sense of clarity, you can make decisions and take actions that align with your values, goals, and dreams. This approach increases your chances of success and fulfillment on your journey.

The Importance of Contrast and Clarity:

Knowing what you don't want is as valuable as knowing what you do want. Embrace the beautiful dance of contrast and clarity. The contrasts in life allow us to appreciate and understand what truly resonates with our hearts. By acknowledging what we don't want, we open ourselves up to a world of possibilities and create space for what truly fulfills us.


As we conclude this journey together, remember to bless your path by listening to all aspects of your being and applying the clarity that light brings. Knowing what you don't want is a powerful tool that unlocks your true desires and allows you to navigate life with intention and purpose. Embrace the gift of contrast and clarity on your beautiful journey.

As always, the intention of this discovery is not to offer a definite solution. It is simply to extend a seed of thought in which, if you choose to plant, you can nurture it with your own understanding, wisdom, and perspective to enrich the energy of your journey.

Continued blessings to you on your path of self-discovery and growth. May you always remain open to the divine deliveries that guide you towards your highest potential.

Thank you for time and energy. Until next time, stay healthy, aware, and abundant.

Bless It.

by Solo